The days are getting shorter and the cold stings your face. The snow is covering everything in sight and and is still floating down in giant feathery flakes. This time of year, we creative Alaskans are finding things to do inside during the many hours of dark. But you know who isn't inside? This dog! This excitable, little, walking-shovel is face deep in a winter wonderland and loving every minute of it. When she isn't catching show mid-air while we shovel it from pathways, she's either rolling in it, running tornados around the yard, searching for something a foot beneath the surface, or just laying in her favorite spot and taking in the day. By the end of the winter, she'll have pruned back every stick of thimbleberry in the yard, which will grow back even larger than the year before. For now, we'll laugh and play and remember all the wonderful times we've had in the snow. We'll leave you with some of our favorite snowy River moments.
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